Origami for beginners. The form comes from a flat plate which has been folded in a simple way.
Casimir Muebelen
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
Origami for beginners. The form comes from a flat plate which has been folded in a simple way.
Casimir Muebelen
A stylish accessory that wraps around your books for easy carrying.
The Book Belt
Christmas + Day 3...a very in-active afternoon which felt really good....
The boys are watching a DVD (after going to bed at 8am today that's all they can manage...), Mila and Lily are playing on the computer, Elodie is sewing a blouse for Lily supervised by her 'sewing' Jedi (our mum) while I was looking for inspiration to decorate Mila's bedroom in our new family house in London.
I'm looking at the pics I took over the past few days...so many happy moments...
Christophe offered a beautiful La Trop bag and a leather wrist wrap by Clare Vivier to Bodie and after seeing this gorgeous bracelet on her, I know now that I will treat myself to one when we go back to work. When the stock arrived, they were so beautifully wrapped that I didn't dare to unwrap one in case I would do a crappy job to put it back but this bracelet is looking even more gorgeous in reality than on the photo.
My name is Karine Candice. I'm French, I live in London with a New-Zealander and I'm the maman of a 5 years old freewi* called Mila Sienna.
I'm also the Creative Director and Co-Founder of chic online concept store BODIE and FOU which I launched with my sister Elodie in 2005 (pictured below with the sunglasses).
In this blog, I write about everything that inspires me...interior design, house tours, photography, children stuff, my DIY projects in our home in London (you can see the work in progress on the blog) and our holidays home in France, about news from our concept store.
I also write about things that makes me laugh, what Mila says and about personal stuff (because sometimes, running your own business, being a mum, making time for friends, etc..and have time for oneself, gets JUST a bit too much!)
This year, I'm also a contributor to Poppytalk's new series, reporting on anything that inspires me from France...
BODIE and FOU is named after Elodie and I...BODIE because it is the way we've been calling Elodie since she was little and FOU because my kiwi thought I was mad when we met...it should have been folle but his French wasn't very good at the time so FOU it was.
I love WHITE and grey interiors, mixing simple, INSPIRING designs with flea-market finds to create relaxed, child-friendly INTERIORS.
I adore VANESSA PARADIS, Charlotte Gainsbourg (I'm French after all!). I admire Jacqueline MORABITO, love food, fashion, designs, taking PHOTOS and having a good time with my friends and FAMILY (see below).
If you have any tips, suggestions, want to send me some chocolates/gifts/clothes or you just want to say Bonjour! - leave a comment or email me at leblog (at)bodieandfou(dot)com
Das zeitlose nur 9,5cm breite WANDREGAL aus Stahlblech in drei Grössen. Montage hoch oder quer an der Wand möglich. Bietet Platz für Bücher, CD’s oder Kleinutensilien.
Farben: weiss glanz
L 51 H 36 D 44: 1 module
L 51 H 72 D 44: 2 modules
L 51 H 107 D 44: 3 modules
L 51 H 143 D 44: 4 modules
L 51 H 178 D 44: 5 modules
Aluminum and steel
Adjustable feet
Traffic White
dbd Studio - Digitally Fabricated Bookshelf from Adam Crain on Vimeo.
A custom bookshelf specifically design and built for a condo in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington DC. An organic curving surface was creating in Rhino that stretched from floor to ceiling and overhead, terminating at the existing bulkhead. 17 sheets of 3/4" birch plywood were then CNC milled to notch together and form the undulating, gridded mass.
dbd Studio
Vorbild für die Anordnung der Regalböden ist der Straßenverlauf der Hauptverkehrsadern der Stadt. Die charakteristischen Merkmale des Stadtbildes wie Innenstadtring, radiale Einfallsstraßen, Plätze und Parks werden aufgenommen und finden
sich übersetzt in der Konstruktion wieder. Die 180cm x 180cm x 37cm messenden Regale können aufgrund Ihrer Standfestigkeit sowohl als Wandregal, als auch als Raumteiler verwendet werden.
O Comitê Organizador dos Jogos Olímpicos de Atenas 2004, conjuntamente com o Ministério da Cultura de Grécia, escolheu Santiago Calatrava, o arquiteto e engenheiro civil espanhol de fama mundial, para redesenhar o complexo esportivo para as Olimpíadas de Atenas (Oaka), com o desafio de manter-se fiel ao espírito dos Jogos, conjugando as tradições e história com a realidade da moderna capital de Grécia.
A capacidade de Calatrava de unir design e os elementos de alta tecnologia na engenharia, de um modo inovador e criativo é rapidamente reconhecida no projeto do Complexo, a partir do eixo central, um amplo bulevar pavimentado que se estende de este a oeste coligando os vários estádios olímpicos.
O teto suspenso cobrindo parcialmente o antigo estádio principal totalmente remodelado, a cobertura total do Velódromo, um elegante arco de aço enfatizando a entrada, e a estrutura de arcos de aço do passeio (Agora) protegendo do sol o percurso dos espectadores, levam a assinatura inconfundível de Santiago Calatrava.
We know you have the choice to shop anywhere and Elodie and I are always grateful to all the customers who trust us, take part in our adventure and keep making our dream come true.
As some of you know, on the third Thursday of each month, we kindly send a nice code to all our customers who have signed-up for our newsletter (see the last one here). In December, we will exceptionally move the date forward and send our lovely Xmas code on Thursday 10th December so if you have not signed up yet, do it now here!
And if you really need one good reason why you should sign up with us, here are 8 of them!
Joyeux Noel!!
Fold is a striking metal shelf made from a single sheet of steel hand folded into shape along lasercut perforations. The complex folded form, inspired by plant growth and structures, is efficiently manufactured using minimal processes which result in a product exhibiting no joints or welds and holds an air of mystery as to how it could have been made. Its assymetrical form is dynamic with clean and precise lines, which due to the lasercut perforations appear stitched providing a crafted and tailored aesthetic. As a collection the shelves work together creating a striking graphic pattern of cellular structures which branch out and colonise the wall creating a decorative and functional 3D feature. Usable in two orientations it allows the customer to create unique arrangements adaptable to their environment.
La libreria Itaipu è caratterizzata dalla successione ritmica di volumi, di pieni e di vuoti che si alternano. La sua composizione tridimensionale permette di creare gerarchie mettendo ordine nel caos di libri ed oggetti dalle forme variabili. Gli elementi, che hanno funzione di ferma-libri, alternandosi creano nicchie e rialzi per mettere in mostra libri ed oggetti. Itaipu trae il suon nome dall'omonima diga sudamericana che affascina per la forza del suo rigore architettonico. Composta da mensole componibili e regolabili in orizzontale o verticale, disponibili in due lunghezze L.1000 mm. e 1600 mm.
Well this was in the October issue but that how quick I am!
The truth is that things have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to check all our press but yesterday I got an email from Mia-Louise, the talented designer of these beautiful, handmade prints who was over the moon and very grateful that we managed to get her work featured in Harper's Bazaar. Personally I would like to thank Emma Love who put this Mono Mania featured together. Don't you love Harper's Bazaar!? I wish I had copy of this issue :-(