Last night I spoke to Beck from Papier Mache who told me she is also a fan of BODIE and FOU (which is always nice to hear :-) and frankly talking about something as exciting as this wonderful children magazine is really not good for my sleeping pattern. It was midnight for me and probably about lunch time for Beck and I was jumping up and down with excitement.
I told Beck that Papier Mache reminded me of MILK magazine, a French magazine which is probably one of the most amazing and inspiring children magazines and she said that MILK was like gold in Australia. If you love MILK magazine and find it tricky to get a copy in your country, you can get a subscription to MILK from here or buy their special issues.
Anyway the next issue of Papier Mache will be on 14th November 2009 and maybe in the future they will produce more issues, a printed version all depends how it goes but I'm pretty sure it will go very nicely for them... I can't wait for Issue no 2 and if I could at least print the online version to read it bed that would make me really happy....I told Beck that Papier Mache reminded me of MILK magazine, a French magazine which is probably one of the most amazing and inspiring children magazines and she said that MILK was like gold in Australia. If you love MILK magazine and find it tricky to get a copy in your country, you can get a subscription to MILK from here or buy their special issues.
But here is the EXCITING NEWS!... For Issue no 2, they have decided to add a supplement magazine with great kids rooms and are looking for submissions.
Yes you've read this properly.... If if you think your kids room look fabulous and you want it to be featured in Papier Mache, send your photos to

Deadline for submissions is late October so you've got a bit of time but if you want your child's bedroom to be featured in a cool, aussie is your chance!
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