One of my pet hates (ce qui veut dire en francais 'un truc que je deteste vraiment...") is pink in little girl bedrooms and I'm really sorry if that's how your little girl bedroom is but the whole Barbie/Princess look is really not my cup of tea.
Now tastes are totally personal and subjective so far from saying that my boring love for whites and greys are better than those who love pink, I understand that you may get as much inspiration and joy from looking at a child bedroom painted in pink that I have admiring this beautiful bedroom from Petits Bonheurs.

However, I love but really LOVE pink for grown-ups like David, a Design boutique owner from Brooklyn used it in his lounge and bedroom (photos 1 & 2).
Pink at home, everywhere but in the kids bedroom is a completely different matter. It's no longer about princesses (which is in fact the thing that annoys me the most, not so much the colour pink), it's about using one of the most uplifting colours (along with orange) to inject your home with feel-good, happy vibes. It's a colour, which used in the bathroom, is bound to get you to start the day on the right foot.
Look at the kitchen below (picture no 3)...Doesn't it look amazing? Just looking at the pink walls, the turquoise door, the white beams and I feel transported to Cuba or somewhere exotic....This kitchen is actually in France (in Charente-Maritime) but the owner who had lived in Cameroon for a few years, was inspired by old houses from Africa.

Pink at home, everywhere but in the kids bedroom is a completely different matter. It's no longer about princesses (which is in fact the thing that annoys me the most, not so much the colour pink), it's about using one of the most uplifting colours (along with orange) to inject your home with feel-good, happy vibes. It's a colour, which used in the bathroom, is bound to get you to start the day on the right foot.
Look at the kitchen below (picture no 3)...Doesn't it look amazing? Just looking at the pink walls, the turquoise door, the white beams and I feel transported to Cuba or somewhere exotic....This kitchen is actually in France (in Charente-Maritime) but the owner who had lived in Cameroon for a few years, was inspired by old houses from Africa.

The thing with such a bright colour, is that you don't have to go all the way. You can easily energize the room by painting the floorboards (see below) or make a feature of the stairs like the ones featured on the cover of Children Bedrooms in Paris by Paumes.
And if floorboards and stairs are still a step too far for you, simply add bright pink accessories like this Botanica rug by Selina Rose, which will create a striking focus point in the room or just paint one wall in the room and pin all your favourite images like David did in his loft.

And if floorboards and stairs are still a step too far for you, simply add bright pink accessories like this Botanica rug by Selina Rose, which will create a striking focus point in the room or just paint one wall in the room and pin all your favourite images like David did in his loft.

At home, I used this ball chair but you can add nice art prints such as the Paris map print in hot pink or the Deeply, madly in Love print to achieve a look similar to the last image of this study painted in soft pink (the pendant light is the Norm 69 by Normann Copenhagen).

(C) Photos credits: Marie-Claire Maison, Editions Paumes
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