Last year, when Steve and I went for a run near our house in France, I showed him a cute little tree house (hoping that he would feel like making one...and BINGO!)
This was enough to light a fire under my favourite Kiwi (now re-named Charles Ingalls by Elodie) as he spent the rest of our holidays building us a tree house!
Actually I use the term 'tree house' very loosely as given the size of it and height (7m high/22ft high), it's more like a DIY project that's got out of hands but thanks to Steve's folks over from New-Zealand, the tree house now has walls and a roof and my Kiwi is feeling extremely proud of his achievements (well he should be because frankly I think it looks really impressive!)

Putting the walls up...

Putting the roof...

The view from the top....

Almost there...

For those who are familiar with the famous kiwi bach (beach house), this looks very much like a kiwi bach in a tree...I'm loving it big time! It's not finished yet as Steve wants to add a couple of windows, etc but that's where we are going to sleep next time we're off to France in May!

"Well done"..... "Thanks, good job!"

the view from the garden....

Now I'm off to bed because tomorrow I'm off to Paris very early to celebrate my best friend's 40th B'day and also to have a meeting with...guess who?
Marie-Claire Maison!! I cant tell you how excited I'm to go to their offices!
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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