Cláudio Cigarro
Desain Rumah
real estate
design collection
Sweet Swedish retreat
23:20 |
House tours
We're moving offices today...Stock will follow on Saturday and we will work throughout the weekend to be ready for Monday morning....I'm exhausted but happier...
Everyone is very excited by our new offices and they are in a nice part of London....
Genevieve, our new Customer Service Advisor started on Monday...and Florent is joining our marketing team on Tuesday next week....
One last effort and then I can chill....and so wish I was there to do so....Have a great day!
Everyone is very excited by our new offices and they are in a nice part of London....
Genevieve, our new Customer Service Advisor started on Monday...and Florent is joining our marketing team on Tuesday next week....
One last effort and then I can chill....and so wish I was there to do so....Have a great day!

Desain Rumah real estate design collection
Dez banheiros de luxo do clássico ao contemporâneo.
No projeto de estilo "Normando Ralph Lauren" na mansão de pedra Bedford, NY,
uma parede circular com painéis de mogno no corredor leva ao banho principal da suite master .
O casal escolheu mármore branco para ampliar o espaço, pelo mesmo motivo
foi incorporada uma parede espelhada e uma lareira do século 18.
O banho-master da casa de verão de Rifat e Tilda Hassan em Istanbul,
foi projetado pelo seu genro arquiteto , Hakan Habif.
Visando atualizar seu recém-adquirido imóvel de campo em Hamptons - 1981 ,
um casal de Manhattan escolheu os arquitetos Shelton, Mindel & Associates.
No banho-master, que os arquitetos preconceberam , uma parede de azulejos autônoma
"divide as áreas com uma sensação de maior espaço", diz Mindel.
O piso de mosaicos, azulejos e Shelton,
Mindel & Associates projetadaram uma iluminação embutida,
banheira, acessórios e metais são todos do Waterworks.
"Um pavilhão de Bali, na Costa Kohala,"
Vincent Paul Wiseman diz que da casa que ele e seu sócio Timmie
projetaram com o arquiteto Robert Glazier na Grande Ilha do Havaí para um casal.
Para o banho-master, telas semitransparentes em forma de grelha
desenhada por Wiseman envolve a bancada com seus espelhos e lavatório .
O banco é javanês.
" Uma paisagem como abstração paisagem,
não tem expressão de paredes e sim, é uma série de extensões de inclinação",
diz Antoine Predock de uma casa que ele projetou Colorado.
Aninhada no canto nordeste da casa, o banho-master olha para um bosque de álamos
Na fronteira do Nairobi National Park,
o ex-diplomata Paul Verleysen construíu um conjunto de casas "árvore"
sobre colunas de madeiras para os hóspedes.
A canoa, forrada com fibra de vidro, serve como uma banheira na banheira.
Um lustre de ferro forjado que foi executado no local e pendurado acima.
O Designer Xorin Balbes e arquiteto Paul Ashley, de TempleHome em Los Angeles,
reformaram uma residência Hollywood Hills,
esculpindo um espaço livre que enfatiza a ligação entre o interior eo exterior.
O banho- master foi atualizado com vidro e mármore.
Cerâmica Walker Zanger no banho e chuveiro.
Designer Mitchell Turnbough aventurou-se no penthouse de David Kronfeld de Chicago,
com detalhes impressionantes.
Ônix verde distingue as superfícies no banho-master.
Boxes embutidos, acessórios da banheira e cuba banhados a ouro, "Sherle Wagner"
Arquiteto Richard Landry, Grupo de Design Landry,
"Adaptou filosofias modernas" para uma casa de
Los Angeles de propriedade de Jack e Berberian Alice.
O banho/spa incorpora paredes de pedra calcária, pisos e bancadas.
Com sede em Londres Tiggy Butler restaurou o esplendor original de uma casa
construída no começo do século 18, no distrito de Mayfair de Londres.
"Eu queria que as cores para lembrassem a areia quente e dourada de uma praia da ilha grega",
diz Butler sobre banho-master,
originalmente um hall de entrada para uma sala de entretenimento.
"A lareira maravilhosa do século 18 permaneceu no local."
As luzes de parede e espelhos são de Vaughan
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
M System
07:13 |
This system enables several compositions. The stability is given by the angle of the snap against the gravitational pull. It was designed to be completely cut into a single FSC plywood panel, for maximum use of the material. The assemblage is all done through the joints. No need for nails, screws, glue.
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
I want the stars and the sweeties too....
14:21 |
These last 3 weeks have been our most roller-coaster weeks of the year! Mostly because out of the blue, the bank which was managing our building had decided that all businesses including us should vacate the building by 12th August. Now I know what you are going to say...Can they do this?! Well, yes they can. To cut a long story short, owner filed for bankruptcy, bank took over management of the building, lease expired, bank happy to have businesses in the building no longer happy to have businesses in the building so after a quiet relaxing weekend there where I took Mila for her French holidays, I came back to something a lot less relaxing...In fact, I have been so stressed out since then that my stomach feels like I have been drinking G&T for a fortnight minus the upside of drinking a nice and cool G&T...
Now moving home can be pretty stressful so imagine how finding new premises, getting quotes from removal companies, sorting out phone lines, internet, insurance, moving a whole warehouse full of (gorgeous) stock in less than 2 weeks feel...simply awful!
I wrote many drafts to share what we were going through but never posted them because I wanted the blog to be inspiring and I just thought it was our problem anyway but I have to admit that the imminent move is disruptive and somehow I have to explain to those who may read this blog and order from us what is going on....
Today we got some fantastic feedback from customers but we also got a few negative ones and although we are always thrilled to hear about the good ones, we seriously care about the negative ones.
However, as much as we aim to offer 5*****customer service, we are a small team and not some huge corporate companies with thousands of staff and we are doing as much as we can to keep on top of everything.
So I just wanted to say to those customers who are currently disappointed, please bear with us...
We just need to get through the move on Friday and from next one week, we should be back to our normal, efficient self...and then I will have a proper G&T!
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
Now moving home can be pretty stressful so imagine how finding new premises, getting quotes from removal companies, sorting out phone lines, internet, insurance, moving a whole warehouse full of (gorgeous) stock in less than 2 weeks feel...simply awful!
I wrote many drafts to share what we were going through but never posted them because I wanted the blog to be inspiring and I just thought it was our problem anyway but I have to admit that the imminent move is disruptive and somehow I have to explain to those who may read this blog and order from us what is going on....
Today we got some fantastic feedback from customers but we also got a few negative ones and although we are always thrilled to hear about the good ones, we seriously care about the negative ones.
However, as much as we aim to offer 5*****customer service, we are a small team and not some huge corporate companies with thousands of staff and we are doing as much as we can to keep on top of everything.
So I just wanted to say to those customers who are currently disappointed, please bear with us...
We just need to get through the move on Friday and from next one week, we should be back to our normal, efficient self...and then I will have a proper G&T!
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
A you B
02:04 |
A divider for creative design agencies. It represents two sets and their cross-section. It works as a divider, a whiteboard, a pinboard and a bookcase. It consists of two movable parts. In colaboration with Stavroula Vasileiou and Marianna Pappa
Ioannis Markakis
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
39 Penny Ln -Scarsdale, NY 10583, USA - Uma residência estilo BAUHAUS
Scarsdale é uma cidade contígua e vila em Westchester County, Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos,
no norte do subúrbio de New York City.
A cidade de Scarsdale é coextensiva com a vila de Scarsdale,
mas a comunidade optou por operar apenas com um governo de bairro,
um dos várias bairos no estado que têm uma situação similar governamentais.
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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