Since I'm stuck in bed with a backache, I can't think of a better place to look for bedrooms inspirations...
Soothing, calming, inviting, I love just about everything in the bedroom below...the white floorboards, the headboard made of recycled wood, the hues of brown and beige

Bedrooom image via Smart Alec via This is Glamourous
Although very calming & serene, I think the bedroom is missing something... On the contrary, the hues of soft grey, industrial & vintage furniture, white crisp walls, textured fabrics and French armchair found in this kitchen would equally work in a bedroom so I'm keeping this image for my mood board....These two yellow shades add a bright, contemporary touch to this bedroom

Photo via Marie-Claire Maison
Photo by Hotze Esma
Another DIY project maybe (photo unknown)
This is the home of Jenn Cranston, a stylist (clever) would made her headboard out of a bamboo screen she bought from Ikea...How smart? Photo from House & Home via Poppytalk
This is the home of Jenn Cranston, a stylist (clever) would made her headboard out of a bamboo screen she bought from Ikea...How smart? Photo from House & Home via Poppytalk
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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