Dutch magazine Ariadne at Home featured the gorgeous Paris map print by Famille Summerbelle in their latest issue and asked Julie, the designer if they could enlarge it into a wall sticker for the photoshoot....

And it looks FA-BU-LOUS! I hope it will encourage Julie to make them into wall stickers or even wallpapers now. I think they would go down a storm!
By the way, if you are looking for the the Paris map print in hot pink...sorry guys it is no longer available. Julie makes each colour available for a limited time to keep the collection fresh and the hot pink has been replaced by this lovely coral pink which you will agree is looking very very nice!
By the way, if you are looking for the the Paris map print in hot pink...sorry guys it is no longer available. Julie makes each colour available for a limited time to keep the collection fresh and the hot pink has been replaced by this lovely coral pink which you will agree is looking very very nice!
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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