The New Mexico born Bart Prince, is recognized internationally for his unique residences. Prince was awarded the Record House of the Year Award in 1989 for the Brad and June Prince Residence and again in 1991 for the Joe and Etsuko Price Residence. Other accolades, among many, have included featured works in numerous exhibitions, the 2004 International Excellence in Design Award, and Prince is recognized as one of The AD 100 by Architectural Digest. Now this is just a smidgen of a bio. You can find out much more at Prince’s website.
Boyd and Mary Kay Hight Residence, near Mendocino, California 1992-1993This house is designed to be used initially as a weekend and holiday retreat but to eventually become the full-time residence for the Hights after their retirement. The house responds to the dramatic site with a continuous undulating roof which provides a buffer to the wind on one side while opening to the ocean views on the other. Guest quarters are located over the garage at one end of the house with the master suite under the same roof but at the other end for privacy separation.
George Gradow/Barbi Benton Residence, Aspen, Colorado 1989-1993Built on a beautiful 40 acre site above Aspen, the Gradows wanted to build one structure that would provide space for their family, guests, entertaining on a large scale, office and work space, gymnasium and exercise pools. The structure steps down the hill in cantilevered sections which allow for views from all of the spaces in the house. Part of the program from the beginning was for me to design the spaces within which Barbi Benton could work out her ideas for interior design to complement the way they wanted to live in the house.
Steve Skilken Residence, Columbus, Ohio 1996-1999
Steve Skilken first came to see me after seeing several of my previous designs. He was particularly taken with the house I designed for Joe and Etsuko Price in Corona del Mar, California and told me he wanted the same design. I told him that I do not repeat designs made for others but would consider his situation and work out an idea for him. One of the things he very much liked about the Price house were the groups of beams that formed individual pods in that house and he asked whether there was not some way to incorporate some variation on this idea into his design. This was done in a way very different from the Price house though giving a similar effect which pleased Mr. Skilken. His program otherwise consisted of having a house that was essentially a tropical garden with a lap pool running through it. Another unusual requirement was the need for a heliport and interior storage for his helicopter.
Bart Prince Residence and Studio, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1983-1984 Built on a small lot in an existing neighborhood to provide living and studio workspace. The studio is set into the ground behind an earth berm toward the front of the structure to provide easy access and a buffer from the street for the more private portions of the house. The top level contains the bedrooms with curved south-facing glazing for passive solar benefits. The masonry tower was added in 1990 to provide library and drawing storage space.
Joe and Etsuko Price Residence, Corona del Mar, California 1984-1989, 1994-1996 (addition)
Joe Price and his family had commissioned and built several projects by both Frank Lloyd Wright and Bruce Goff. When the Prices decided to move from Oklahoma to California they found this beautiful site in Corona del Mar and asked me to design them a house. The scheme grew from the inside-out beginning with the desires of the client for privacy as well as an integration with the site and close association with the sea.
Work in Progress:
Groves Residence Drawing
Groves Residence Model
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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