I got food poisoning for the first time yesterday and I was so weak I had to spend the whole day in bed wondering what on earth was happening to me. Steve was like...'check the swine flu symptoms!'...errm no thanks! Well I checked but it wasn't that and given I had gone for my early run at 6.20am before it hit me, I thought it was some kind of virus...So after fever going up and down, not being able to eat all the nice chocolate deserts Steve had brought me in the evening to cheer me up and then passing out on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night, I eventually woke up this morning feeling like I was back from the living dead.
So basically my energy level is very close to peanuts and before heading back to the sofa for the evening, I just wanted to mention the work of Alice Tait which I discovered via the Glove Factory Studios.
Alice Tait had been working as a professional illustrator for 5 years. Her style comprises of hand drawn illustration and type. She has produced a series of wonderful book covers for Chef Nigel Slater at Penguin and is currently doing regular work for Vogue and the Financial Times amongst others.

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