Holly posted a great topic on Decor8 yesterday...Is your life about blog content?
I love these soul searching topics... Reactions are always great, open and it's interesting to see that no matter where we live, us women/bloggers are pretty much in the same boat, even if we are moving at a different pace (just realising as I'm writing that I hardly read blogs by men).
It takes a little while to find your style and I think the best way to find it, is to be yourself and to enjoy it. It's a bit like having a vision for your business and believing in it (if you've started one).
I know that not everybody is going to love the things we have in our online shop, but I do believe that if we stay true to ourselves and keep adding things that we genuinely love, then the people that are already fans of bodie and fou and the collection, will love it even more and share it with like-minded people and blogging is the same. You won't please everyone so you may as well ensure that at least you're having fun doing it.
I remember writing a lot more about boutique hotels when I started but at the time, Steve and I were still regularly escaping to gorgeous, inspiring places for the weekend. Then we started our family, got a family house in France and then our lives became more about quality time with friends and family so now I'm more into relaxed living spaces that have a soul rather than amazing hotels where people come and go.
I initially started blogging to raise the profile of our business, but I caught the bug quickly and really enjoyed writing about things that inspired me, places I would love to go, amazing photographers who I admired, fab designs, brands I admire, little boutique hotels I would love to stay etc...Then one day I looked at my google analytics and freaked out when I realised that a lot of people were actually reading my blog so then I felt the need (well.... more like the pressure) to write something every day, searching for something cool and interesting to say because let's face it when you start blogging, you always feel that what you're writing is crap compared to those fabulous (and professional!) blogs like Decor8, Cup of Jo, Sfgirlbybay.
But by then our company was growing nicely so I bought another one and well..... eventually running two businesses, while being 'une maman' and trying to be a 'decent' partner caught up with me...
These days, my approach to blogging is a bit more balanced....I use the B&F blog as my little black book/mood board to jot down all the things that inspire me so when I need the info, I know exactly where to find it! And I don't know about you but unlike Steve who will happily pile all his bank statements, mail, bills in one corner of our bedroom (sigh...), I like everything to have its place and I have a daily fight with paper and clutter...I recycle like crazy and if anything can be jotted down to the blog rather than me keeping paper clips and adding to our clutter then it will go live.

All of this to say that recently I came across a lot of interesting blogs and people via Twitter and although I don't always have time to read, respond or comment on everyone's blog, I see them so here are a few that I've came under my radar recently.
Cherrypatter: is a blog about all cool things to do, eat (lots of yummy pics), see and buy in Brooklyn. Since Brooklyn and Manhattan are two places in the world I feel at home, I truly enjoy these little walks around Brooklyn's neighbourhood. Follow Cherrypatter on Twitter here.
The Beat that my heart skipped: a very nice UK blog written by Rohini Wahi(on twitter here). Rohini is an interiors Stylist and design writer who previously freelanced for Elle Deco, Harper's Bazaar, esquire etc and I love her blog. She started it in August 2007 but recently re-launched it. The new version has feel-good vibes... a mix of boho, cosy, relax places and designs...something you want to take time to read
Simply Grove: A very nice blog from Idaho written by Kirsten Grove who regularly featured great decoration ideas from her family home. Her posts are also about local, creative businesses. I'm loving her family pictures in black & white here
Kickcan & Conkers: Written by Deborah, a English girl who lives in the South of France with her French husband and three children. I love all the vintage treasures and illustrations Debs features and she is very nice!

And of course, there is everyone that mentions a gorgeous design from BODIE and FOU or linked to us...I'm not always aware of all the mentions so feel free to send me a nudge and I will aim to make this thank you bit a regular thing providing my Fridays working from home, get finally the 'creative Fridays' I've been hoping for...
So thanks to Peacock Feathers for mentioning our beautiful Gingko print in her wishlist and Nathalie from Design Undercover to mention our Birds A-Z print. The witty Domestic Sluttery for featuring the Ray Charles wallpaper by Camilla Diedrich and the fabulous Nest Goodies for mentioning our beloved Japanese books by Paumes
Now I need to rush to see my daughter's school show so more posts later...
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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