The Award-winning ABC poster is flying off the shelves today and it made me realized that I totally forgot to finish the draft post I had started about By Graziela and the two great ladies behind this label: the legendary Graziela Preiser and her daughter Nina Nagel.

Graziela Preiser's iconic designs were hugely popular in the 1970’s in Germany. Like a few other textiles & print designers and design houses that were fashionable in the 1950s to 1970s (i.e. Marrimekko, Cole and Son and Barbara Hulanicki's Biba to name a few), Graziela and her daughter decided to dig into the archives from 1972 and and revisits the 1,2,3-design - which has a timeless appeal - and features cheeky, big billed ducks, retro owls and numbers in a refreshed colour palette.
It’s a timely rebirth of the brand, as those who cuddled up with these beautiful bed linens in their childhood can now pass on their love of the range to their own children and given the recent success of the ABC poster (designed in 1970!!) and the Farm poster (designed in 1977), it's pretty obvious that not only vibrant colours and unique designs still appeal to parents but more to the point, great designs last a lifetime!
For obvious reasons, I also love the fact that By Graziela is a mother/daughter business. If you can make it work, working with family is great and if I go over all the great jobs I had in advertising, the film and music industry over the past few years then really, the past four years working with Elodie and now my brother plus our mum who comes to help us at Christmas each year (and bakes yummy WW chocolate cakes at weekends!), have probably be the most enjoyable and the ones feeling the least like work.
Now I couldn't finish this post without showing you Nina's beautiful flat so you could see by yourself how stunning these retro designs look in a contemporary home and in a nursery....
Nina, her husband and their one-year old son (+ two cats) live in a flat which was an old forage warehouse for horses from 1870, and then later was used as a spice warehouse in the later 20th century. As you can see from the photos below, it's a beautiful living space. I really like the brick walls, the metal beams, the original floorboards, the high ceiling, the natural light....ok I will stop, it's a great place..enjoy!
For obvious reasons, I also love the fact that By Graziela is a mother/daughter business. If you can make it work, working with family is great and if I go over all the great jobs I had in advertising, the film and music industry over the past few years then really, the past four years working with Elodie and now my brother plus our mum who comes to help us at Christmas each year (and bakes yummy WW chocolate cakes at weekends!), have probably be the most enjoyable and the ones feeling the least like work.
Now I couldn't finish this post without showing you Nina's beautiful flat so you could see by yourself how stunning these retro designs look in a contemporary home and in a nursery....
Nina, her husband and their one-year old son (+ two cats) live in a flat which was an old forage warehouse for horses from 1870, and then later was used as a spice warehouse in the later 20th century. As you can see from the photos below, it's a beautiful living space. I really like the brick walls, the metal beams, the original floorboards, the high ceiling, the natural light....ok I will stop, it's a great place..enjoy!
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