I don't know what weather you had in other parts of the world but London was very wet and windy today. Rather than watching Steve getting ready to fly to Hong Kong and wishing I could go with him to go back there, I started going through our stuff to organize our move in 5 weeks and despite this gloomy, horrible weather, 4 simple things made me feel happy and content this afternoon....
Happiness and content is also what this beautiful photo of a mother and daughter conveys.....
Second....Finding between books that I was sorting out to take to a charity shop, the first scan of my baby when I was pregnant,
Third...Saving a lot of white bed linens turned grey from being thrown away after finally finding the right whitening product
Fourth....Watching a busy, stressed out Dad taking the time to make 3 pancakes for his daughter before leaving.
And I should say, Fifth....was discovering these gentle, soothing photos by Jenifer Altman who is an internationally acclaimed Polaroid photographer .

And Jenifer has a wonderful blog called Nectar & Light: the sweet life through a polaroid and a site where she sells her beautiful work....
I hope this Sunday was very relaxing for you too and that somehow, simple things made you happy and content too....Have a nice evening
(C)Photos: Jenifer Altman
PS: just been told by Passementary via Twitter that Jenifer Altman also designed her blog's banner and looking at this page, I noticed she also designed the banner for the lovely Maryam at MyMarrakech
I hope this Sunday was very relaxing for you too and that somehow, simple things made you happy and content too....Have a nice evening
(C)Photos: Jenifer Altman
PS: just been told by Passementary via Twitter that Jenifer Altman also designed her blog's banner and looking at this page, I noticed she also designed the banner for the lovely Maryam at MyMarrakech
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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