I'm feeling a bit under the weather today...
Nothing major but my beloved pink bike was stolen over the weekend. I'm trying to get over it, I mean I live in London so what do I expect but it's still upsetting. It was a gift from Steve less than a year ago and I really loved my bike. It made me feel so free when I was cycling around London and I'm not usually mean but frankly I hope the morron that stole it fall and hurt himself.
I'm also trying to organize our holidays for this Summer...Now, one would have thought the latter would be a fun exercise but it's not and from the chat I had with my friends Mel and Tanja last night (before I felt asleep at the restaurant....I'm so rock'n roll it hurts!), I realized to my relief that organizing family holidays or rather agreeing to what to do/where to go is not as simple as I thought I would be. For the past 5 years (our lives since we had Mila), we've been spending our time between France during the Summer and New-Zealand at Christmas time to be with Steve's family. There could be worse places to spend holidays, I admit but after 5 years, I kind of long for something different than the same places over and over. Steve would have loved to spend some time in August at our holiday home in France but it's now fully booked until early September and I'm keen to go somewhere else rather than having our holidays in September. First, I want some real SUN (September Sun doesn't cut it for me), I want to feel the heat, sand and salt on my skin, I want to feel free from doing DIY or any interior design, I just want a holiday and break free from everything. Secondly, we're putting our first BODIE and FOU mail order catalogue (yep! exciting news!!) and September will be very busy workwise finalizing the catalogue before the drop and preparing Xmas.
Anyway, it's just as well that I came across these warm images by Hilda Grahnat, a 22 years old Swedish graphic student...

I couldn't resist this lovely screen print that says 'Qu'est-ce que tu fais dans la vie?' which means "What do you do for a living?/What is your way of life?". It is typically French and just saying it aloud remind me of French movies by Jean-Luc Goddard where a cool Jean Seberg and a handsome and maverick Jean-Paul Belmondo would share a smoke in the streets of Paris and ask each other about their lives...
This is a limited edition which only costs 12USD until 12th May so hurry up...I've already ordered mine (of course if you love beautiful prints, you really need to go there and see our gorgeous new poster by Studio Violet)
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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