Last Sunday, we celebrated Mila's 5th Birthday and it was amazing!
As Mila and I share our lives with the kiwi King of BBQ & Sunday roast, we decided to organise Mila's party with a BBQ afterwards with all the parents to give everyone the opportunity to get to know each other.
Total: 14 kids + 25 adults = a very noisy but happy and memorable afternoon!
The invitation....

The Gingerbread man decoration....

Best party activity: Decoration of the Gingerbread far
Best party find: Glitter clutch bag at the £1 shop....a real bargain with WOW factor!
Best creative idea: Decorating cupcakes with Mila's face on. I got the idea from Swiss Miss but added little things that Mila says often on the back of the cards like" "I love you to the moon and back and back to the planet...", "For ever and ever....", "Let's have a huggle" (family cuddle), etc...
Best life saver: Chocolate & strawberry cupcakes from Tesco's Finest range (£1.70 for 2)
Best friends: Mandy, Peyman, Mel, Guillaume, Pete, Barbara, Jerome, Liz, Francois, Julie & Eleonore + anyone else who helped us to make this day truly special. Thank you all
Best party find: Glitter clutch bag at the £1 shop....a real bargain with WOW factor!
Best creative idea: Decorating cupcakes with Mila's face on. I got the idea from Swiss Miss but added little things that Mila says often on the back of the cards like" "I love you to the moon and back and back to the planet...", "For ever and ever....", "Let's have a huggle" (family cuddle), etc...
Best life saver: Chocolate & strawberry cupcakes from Tesco's Finest range (£1.70 for 2)
Best friends: Mandy, Peyman, Mel, Guillaume, Pete, Barbara, Jerome, Liz, Francois, Julie & Eleonore + anyone else who helped us to make this day truly special. Thank you all
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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