I miss Petits Bonheurs....c'est bete, but I miss Claude's beautiful photos of her three children, her impeccable taste and her talent.

I leave you drooling over her blog...I need to get ready because in about two hours, Photographer Hisashi Tokuyoshi is arriving to shoot our home and little family to be featured in the next book by Edition Paumes.
I'm so excited that I have hardly slept and I'm probably going to look like death. Have a wonderful weekend. Love xoxo
PS: The little houses the fabulous Advent Calendar by Noix de Coc' and are available from here
I'm so excited that I have hardly slept and I'm probably going to look like death. Have a wonderful weekend. Love xoxo
PS: The little houses the fabulous Advent Calendar by Noix de Coc' and are available from here
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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