Are you ready for some cheerfulness? Because this morning, I'm taking you to see the bedroom corner of Casalil and behind Casalil, there is Laurence, a cheerful, full of energy French blogger from Aix en Provence who lives in Lille (hence Casalil).
Laurence has a great blog on Marie-Claire Maison where she shares her 'coup de coeur', her life, pictures of her holidays home in the South. She is also married to Laurent, a great photographer whose work is currently exhibited at Galerie Le Reverbere in Lyon. His series Stations has also been published and sadly has been copied by CANON in their latest European campaign (someone is going to be in trouble...)
Last month, I wrote here "A home should reflect your style, your lifestyle, your personality, your travels and everything you love in life" and Laurence's home is certainly a reflection of her love for travels, colours and her positive attitude which will do everyone in Europe a world of good since it's currently pretty cold and grey out there!
Laurence a un chouette blog sur Marie-Claire Maison ou elles partage ses coups de coeur, sa vie, les photos de sa maison dans le Sud de la France. Elle est aussi marie a Laurent, un photographe de talent dont le travail est couramment expose a la Galerie Le Reverbere a Lyon. Sa serie Stations a egalement ete publiee et malheureusement a ete copie illegalement dans la derniere campaigne europeene de CANON.
Le mois dernier, j'avais ecris ici qu'une maison devait refleter notre style, nos gouts, notre personnalite, nos voyages et tout ce que nous aimons dans la vie et la maison de Laurence est vraiment une reflection de son gout pour les voyages, les couleurs et de sa pensee positive, ce qui fera du bien a tous ceux qui vivent en Europe parce que pour l'instant, il fait froid et gris.
Laurence has a great blog on Marie-Claire Maison where she shares her 'coup de coeur', her life, pictures of her holidays home in the South. She is also married to Laurent, a great photographer whose work is currently exhibited at Galerie Le Reverbere in Lyon. His series Stations has also been published and sadly has been copied by CANON in their latest European campaign (someone is going to be in trouble...)
Last month, I wrote here "A home should reflect your style, your lifestyle, your personality, your travels and everything you love in life" and Laurence's home is certainly a reflection of her love for travels, colours and her positive attitude which will do everyone in Europe a world of good since it's currently pretty cold and grey out there!
Est ce que vous etes pret pour une petite injection d'attitude positive? Parce que ce matin, je vous emmene dans la chambre de Casalil et derriere Casalil, il y a Laurence, une bloggeuse d'Aix en Provence, pleine d'energie et d'ondes positives et qui pour l'instant vit a Lille (d'ou Casalil).Laurence a un chouette blog sur Marie-Claire Maison ou elles partage ses coups de coeur, sa vie, les photos de sa maison dans le Sud de la France. Elle est aussi marie a Laurent, un photographe de talent dont le travail est couramment expose a la Galerie Le Reverbere a Lyon. Sa serie Stations a egalement ete publiee et malheureusement a ete copie illegalement dans la derniere campaigne europeene de CANON.
Le mois dernier, j'avais ecris ici qu'une maison devait refleter notre style, nos gouts, notre personnalite, nos voyages et tout ce que nous aimons dans la vie et la maison de Laurence est vraiment une reflection de son gout pour les voyages, les couleurs et de sa pensee positive, ce qui fera du bien a tous ceux qui vivent en Europe parce que pour l'instant, il fait froid et gris.

★★From Laurence★★
"Here we go..a few photos of our bedroom just after a pillow fight this bedroom is...comfy, colourful....with lots of things brought back from my travels. The room is big (45 sqm). We've apinted one of the wall in 'aubergine' (kind of mulberry) to give this room reserved for night time, a cosier touch. One of the wall is painted in cherry red like the alcove (tokonoma) in Japan, like a breath....makura.
And in a bedroom, there is of course lots of corners...a fireplace with brick and wood which welcomes our laughing buddha, a gift from a antique dealer that told us that if we were striking the Buddha's belly every day morning, our days would be filled with joy...
And the 'love bed' from Shangai where we also stay to read nice stories to the kids and then another corner...a smaller room which we use as an office and in which we're piling all our memories from past and future travels..."
"Here we go..a few photos of our bedroom just after a pillow fight this bedroom is...comfy, colourful....with lots of things brought back from my travels. The room is big (45 sqm). We've apinted one of the wall in 'aubergine' (kind of mulberry) to give this room reserved for night time, a cosier touch. One of the wall is painted in cherry red like the alcove (tokonoma) in Japan, like a breath....makura.
And in a bedroom, there is of course lots of corners...a fireplace with brick and wood which welcomes our laughing buddha, a gift from a antique dealer that told us that if we were striking the Buddha's belly every day morning, our days would be filled with joy...
And the 'love bed' from Shangai where we also stay to read nice stories to the kids and then another corner...a smaller room which we use as an office and in which we're piling all our memories from past and future travels..."
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