When I was young, our dad used to tell Elodie and I that our family name 'Köng' (to be pronounced Kung) came from Norway...Apparently our great, great grand father was a sailor who settled down in Norway and started a family, blablabla and years later you ended up with me!
Then when I was 16, he turned around and said that after all our surname might have come from Switzerland! Erm... no offence to the Swiss (I love the Swiss especially her) but between having Vikings as ancestors or being Swiss, I just felt that I had more Viking spirit in my blood than Swiss so I stick to my Viking story...
Anyway, I doubt it's why I love so much Elle Interior Norway but I do! I love this mag and their Xmas issue looks just amazing!
PS: And I've just found out this morning that they also featured my favourite bag: La Tropezienne tote bag by Clare Vivier...so happy

Et puis a l'age de mes 16 ans, mon pere m'a sorti qu'apres tout, le nom venait peut-etre de Suisse...Erm je n'ai rien contre les Suisses (j'adore les Suisses surtout elle) mais bon entre avoir les Vikings comme ancetres et etre Suisse, je trouvais que j'avais plus de viking dans le sang que du petit suisse...
Tout ca pour dire que je doute que ce soit pour cela que j'adore Elle Interior Norway mais j'adore ce mag et leur dernier numero a l'air superbe!
PS: Et je viens juste d'apprendre ce matin qu'ils ont aussi publie mon sac prefere: La Tropezienne tote bag by Clare Vivier...trop contente
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