While this gorgeous advent calendar has been on our mantelpiece for the past two weeks, I haven't had a chance to fill it in with goodies for Mila. I keep meaning to do it but frankly at the moment I seem to spend nights, days and weekends at the warehouse to make sure we don't get behind with Xmas orders so by the time I come home, I'm absolutely dead!
But last night, Steve came back with a flip... advent calendar from Tesco!!! Honestly... so that's it, tonight I've finally got around to do it and put little chocolate coins and balloons with Xmas Father or Father Xmas (I never know in which order we say it) in each of the little boxes until 16th December because she is off to New-Zealand with her dad then and I will join them on 24th (yeah Xmas in a plane...yeah!..not). Anyway, if you want one, hurry up because we only have 14 left in stock

Mais hier soir, Steve est rentre avec un calendrier de l'Avent de chez Tesco (le Auchan anglais)!! Non mais franchement....donc voila ce soir je m'y suis mise et j'ai rempli ces petites boites avec des bonbons, pieces en chocolat et ballons avec la tete du Pere Noel...jusqu'au 16 Decembre parce que le 16 Mila part en Nouvelle-Zealande avec son papa et moi je les rejoindrais le 24 (et oui le reveillon dans l'avion c'est pas cool ca?! non c'est pas cool!). Bon si vous en voulez un depechez-vous parce qu'il n'y en a plus que 14 en stock.
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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