I saw the image below on Rom 1.2.3. and suddenly my heart skipped a beat. Can you see what I can see...La...dans le coin a droite...oui...there in the right corner! Look at these three little beauties of vintage crates turned into storage...The perfect combination of vintage and modern, smooth and rough. I have two of these at home that regularly change function/room from bedside table to coffee table to storage from lounge to home office and currently they are in Mila's bedroom but I would be quite happy to turn them into a storage unit on wheels like this...The idea is not new and Sally and Mark from Baileys Home and Garden suggested a whole unit out of vintage crates but this is a bit too much for me. I like little vintage touches in contemporary interiors not the whole shabang. What do you think? Do you like it?

Image 1 from Rom 1.2.3 | Image 2 from Baileys Home and Garden
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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