I apologize...this is going to be a long post but they always are when they are personals...
For some people, bedrooms are their sanctuary and I envy this. For me it is a place to sleep. Having too much energy to spend, I often feel that lay-ins at weekends are wasting my time when there is a lot of creative things I could do, so I have been struggling with what to do with our bedroom to transform into a space I would love to relax.
I wished I had time to source one of these gorgeous French chandeliers in France but not this year so I have been letting these gorgeous bedrooms in grey, especially this one, sink in and on Saturday afternoon, while going through all my interiors mags, I came across again Paula Leen's bedroom which somehow I had missed first time around. Suddenly the penny dropped. Forget French glamour, I will go for inspired simplicity a la BODIE and FOU.

Image: (C) BODIE and FOU, magazine Living Etc, necklace (my own)
This is important because I loathe painting wood and I can't get started until I'm really sure (let alone the fact that I really wanted it to look like this but Steve is freaking out about house prices going down and the costs of replacing all the doors to achieve Abigail's look wouldn't make sense so, for the time being, they will remain the way they are).For some people, bedrooms are their sanctuary and I envy this. For me it is a place to sleep. Having too much energy to spend, I often feel that lay-ins at weekends are wasting my time when there is a lot of creative things I could do, so I have been struggling with what to do with our bedroom to transform into a space I would love to relax.
I wished I had time to source one of these gorgeous French chandeliers in France but not this year so I have been letting these gorgeous bedrooms in grey, especially this one, sink in and on Saturday afternoon, while going through all my interiors mags, I came across again Paula Leen's bedroom which somehow I had missed first time around. Suddenly the penny dropped. Forget French glamour, I will go for inspired simplicity a la BODIE and FOU.

Image: (C) BODIE and FOU, magazine Living Etc, necklace (my own)
The challenge was then to decide which grey to use and where to use it. It had to be different from the grey used in Mila's room. Last but not least, would it work better as a feature wall behind the new linen bedhead I made with my mum or on the wall-to-wall built-in wardrobe?

Image: (C) BODIE and FOU, white sunglasses from The Little White company
So after hours of reflection, I came up with this look....Soft greys, white bed linens, gray throw, white ceramic lighting....

Image: (C) BODIE and FOU, gray Grafton cotton knit throw from The White Company, Black & white prints from Therese Sennerholt, White cluster light by Kathleen Hills, Tribeca table lamp from WhereDidYouBuyThat.com, Familia tableware by Normann Copenhagen, ceramic owl vase by House Doctor DK
So despite the title, I have already made up my mind (sorry!) regarding the hue of gray I'll be using but I would love to know what you think of this, how you decorated your room and how you get the inspiration...
Alors que pour certaines personnes, la chambre est un lieu de repos, pour moi c'est juste un endroit pour dormir. J'ai beaucoup trop d'energie a depenser pour gaspiller mon temps a faire des grasses matinees alors que je pourrais faire plein de choses. Du coup, cela fait un petit moment que je bataille pour transformer notre chambre en un lieu ou j'aurais envie de me detendre. J'aurais aime trouver un de ces magnifiques chandeliers en France mais je n'aurais pas le temps d'ici la fin de l'annee. Du coup, ces derniers temps, je me suis laissee bercee par l'atmosphere de ces belles chambres, surtout celle-ci et Samedi, alors que je feuilletais tous mes magazines de deco, je suis tombee sur la chambre de Paula Leen. Et tout d'un coup, c'etait une evidence....Oublions French glamour pour un look simple et inspirant a la BODIE and FOU. Le challenge pour moi etait maintenant de decider quel gris j'utiliserais et surtout ou dans la piece. Tout d'abord le gris devrait etre different de celui utilise dans la chambre de Mila. Et ce gris serait-il mieux en 'feature wall' derriere la tete de lit que ma mere et moi avions faite ensemble ou sur les portes du placard en bois qui couvrent tout un mur. Pour moi, cela etait super important parce que je deteste peindre le bois donc je ne voulais pas m'y attaquer avant d'etre super sure. Apres des heures de reflection et quelques essais de peinture sur le mur, je suis arrivee a ce look...des gris tres doux (probablement le Pavillion gray de Farrow and Ball), du linge de lit blanc en lin ou en cotton bio, un jete de lit gris, des luminaires en ceramique blanche et des photos de famille en noir et blanc.
Malgre le titre (desole), j'ai deja decide le gris que je vais utilise mais j'aimerais beaucoup savoir ce que vous en pensez, comment avez-vous decore votre chambre et comment trouvez-vous l'inspiration...
Malgre le titre (desole), j'ai deja decide le gris que je vais utilise mais j'aimerais beaucoup savoir ce que vous en pensez, comment avez-vous decore votre chambre et comment trouvez-vous l'inspiration...
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