This morning, I'm very excited to show you Joanna's bedroom from Poland who really spoiled us with gorgeous photos of her bedroom corner. I really love Joanna's style and you will understand why. First of all, she is a talented illustrator & graphic designer, her blog Kavka Design is wonderful, she has done an amazing job with her house and she and I shared a love and passion for French Interior Designer Jacqueline Morabito (see J. Morabito related links on the left hand side of the blog).
Ce matin, je suis vraiment contente de vous montrer la chambre de Joanna, en Pologne, dont j'adore le style et vous allez comprendre pourquoi. Tout d'abord, c'est une illustratrice et designer de talent, elle a un super blog: Kavka Design, elle a fait un boulot de dingue dans sa maison et nous partageons une passion commune pour le travail de Jacqueline Morabito (voir tous les liens sur J. Morabito dans la colonne de gauche).

★★From Joanna★★
"In my bedroom, there is always room for white, a bit of black, a bit of pink and… stripes, stripes, stripes....and of course for my husband, too ;-)
I don't like frames above my head, so I attach all important photos, drawings and things by pins or glue ;-) here is one of my favourite picture of Audrey Hepburn made on the location of Fanny Face, two cute pics of my husband as a small boy and a drawing of me and my sister (you can see more here)
The cute pink pig is a gift from my beloved sister Eva aand has a very important mission as you can see.
Normally I don't like collecting things (apart books of course) but I have one big weakness: small, plastic animals. I have many, many of them in boxes, bags etc... colourful dinos are the favourite ones ;-)
I'm very romantic girl and under my bed is a navy-blue box with my treasures: now it's the house of: photos from my childhood, favourite music (PJ Harvey and Patti Smith), pearl necklace inherited after my grandmother (I have never worn it), sweet brooch I've bought myself lately and many more...
I love spending many hours in my bed, reading magazines, books, drawings, listening th the music, dreaming…
The garland is from someone special for me - Emma Cassi. I presented her beautiful house on my blog and later I got it from her!
The table was inherited from my great grandmother. I love it! During the last 12 years I changed my house nine times, and this table has always been with me, I always find proper place for it – everywhere! I collect on it important papers, books, magazines, everything I'd like to find easily (generally it's not easy in my house because I'm very absent-minded girl;-))
Next week: come and see Di's bedroom corner in Northumberland
Previously on A Corner of my bedroom:
Mine in London, It's Oh from Switzerland, Vosges Paris from Amsterdam, Sfgirlbybay from San-Francisco, HomeShoppingSpy from London
I don't like frames above my head, so I attach all important photos, drawings and things by pins or glue ;-) here is one of my favourite picture of Audrey Hepburn made on the location of Fanny Face, two cute pics of my husband as a small boy and a drawing of me and my sister (you can see more here)
The cute pink pig is a gift from my beloved sister Eva aand has a very important mission as you can see.
Normally I don't like collecting things (apart books of course) but I have one big weakness: small, plastic animals. I have many, many of them in boxes, bags etc... colourful dinos are the favourite ones ;-)
I'm very romantic girl and under my bed is a navy-blue box with my treasures: now it's the house of: photos from my childhood, favourite music (PJ Harvey and Patti Smith), pearl necklace inherited after my grandmother (I have never worn it), sweet brooch I've bought myself lately and many more...
I love spending many hours in my bed, reading magazines, books, drawings, listening th the music, dreaming…
The garland is from someone special for me - Emma Cassi. I presented her beautiful house on my blog and later I got it from her!
The table was inherited from my great grandmother. I love it! During the last 12 years I changed my house nine times, and this table has always been with me, I always find proper place for it – everywhere! I collect on it important papers, books, magazines, everything I'd like to find easily (generally it's not easy in my house because I'm very absent-minded girl;-))
Next week: come and see Di's bedroom corner in Northumberland
Previously on A Corner of my bedroom:
Mine in London, It's Oh from Switzerland, Vosges Paris from Amsterdam, Sfgirlbybay from San-Francisco, HomeShoppingSpy from London
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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