Do you believe in the saying "what comes around comes around"? I do and I must have been super good because this morning, our lovely French intern Aminata turned up to work with two of her friends to help us to tackle the backlog of orders. I can't thank them enough for their hard work and help that made a huge difference!!! We're back on top of things and tomorrow, we'll ship another 300 of these around the world until the next batch on Tuesday. Bon... enough about work...
I wanted to show you the amazing look book Megan from Mini & Maximus sent me along with this gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous poster that I will hang in my kitchen this weekend but I haven't had time to take photos so in the meantime, I'm showing you the little montage I made of all our beautiful B&W prints because frankly, I think we start having a nice little collection that rocks! Don't you agree??
I wanted to show you the amazing look book Megan from Mini & Maximus sent me along with this gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous poster that I will hang in my kitchen this weekend but I haven't had time to take photos so in the meantime, I'm showing you the little montage I made of all our beautiful B&W prints because frankly, I think we start having a nice little collection that rocks! Don't you agree??

Je voulais vous montrer le fabulous Look Book que Megan de Mini & Maximus m'a envoye avec ce poster absolument canon que je vais accrocher dans ma cuisine ce weekend mais je n'ai pas eu le temps de le prendre en photo donc en attendant... je vais juste vous montrer le petit montage que j'ai fait de tous ces posters et illustrations canonnissimes en noir & blanc que nous avons sur notre petite boutique parce franchement, je trouve que nous commencons a avoir une collection vraiment tres chouette et qui pete! Vous n'etes pas d'accord???
Desain Rumah real estate design collection
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